Heart of the Hills Advanced Practice Association

Legislative Update for APRNs

Posted about 5 years ago by Erika Benfield

Big stuff is happening on the Hill!  Full scope of practice bills in the Senate AND House are moving forward.  Please follow these bills and offer your support through your local legislators.  More info here: https://www.texasnp.org/page/grassroot and House Bill and Senate Bill

As of now, the House bill, which was introduced after the Senate bill, is scheduled for a public hearing next week.  Now is the time to contact your local legislators to tell them about the amazing work you do in your community by providing access to high quality, research-based, patient-centered care!   Find your House rep Here-House Representative and your Senate rep Here-Senate Rep

As always, feel free to contact me if you'd like more information on these pieces of legislature or how to get more involved in the process.  Thank you all for everything you do each day to provide care to our community in the Hill Country.



Erika Benfield, DNP, RN, FNP-C
Family Nurse Practitioner
Cornerstone Clinic
830-998-5102 (cell)
830-997-0330 (office)


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